With nearly 10 million job openings and less than six million unemployed workers, businesses are seeking new ways to attract talent. Companies have long offered benefits to entice prospective employees, some even proposing to pay for their employees’ continuing education as a way to increase interest and retention. Not every company can afford such an investment, and if your business is one of them, fear not. There are ample ways to position your business ahead of others. Being transparent and trustworthy is one of those ways and that begins with your job listing. This is a company’s first opportunity to show an applicant what its values are and just how keen they are to invest in talent.

How To Attract Great-Fit Talent

Your business has the power to attract highly motivated candidates with the narrative it shares, and that all starts with the job title on the table. An applicant will be berated by listing for “analysts” or “managers” across industries, with no immediate clarity as to whether they are suited for the role or not. This is a company’s first opportunity to stand out. While other employers are inundating applicants with vague job openings, your business can catch their eye and increase their sense of purpose with a title that better encapsulates their day to day.

It is important to choose a title that captures a role’s purpose and motivates the employee to rise to the job’s occasion. This can be accomplished by enhancing an ordinary title, such as desk coordinator, to a more fulfilling variation like “strategic coordinator.” A title as simple as “manager” can be elevated to “brand manager” or “supervising manager.” Titles have the power to make an employee feel valued. Plus, they incentivize individuals to apply and to stick around.

Paint A Picture With Your Job Listing

The job’s description should capture the duties of the role, but it should also include personality attributes your team believes would make a candidate thrive in your organization’s environment. If your company’s culture is high energy with a work-hard and play-hard mentality, include in your description that the best suited candidate would be outgoing and social. In such cases, including the kinds of activities your candidates can look forward to participating in can make your job listing more attractive to potential employees. If the job requires them to frequently attend conferences, take meetings with business leaders, or represent the company at events, include such details when advertising the role to encourage more adventurous candidates to apply.

In the same vein, if your team operates around sudden and tight deadlines, communicate the necessity for a focused individual who can endure high-stake situations. With anxiety amongst young adults rising, many are choosing to avoid stressful professions. Given the high price to pay for replacing an employee, being straightforward about such a requirement is essential in order to avoid bearing the cost of a turnover down the line.

A good job description can also incentivize retention if it is an honest depiction of a day’s work and gives an accurate sense of a company’s culture. Potential employees will buy into the experience a job description presents. Presenting a false narrative could lead to employee resentment down the line, which contributes to high turnover rates. On the other hand, employees who perceive their companies as honest and good places to work at are more likely to recommend their place of employment to their friends and network.

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Emphasize Your Incentives

To round out your job descriptions, make sure to touch on all the incentive programs your company offers. Capture each of them as different programs may appeal to different demographics. Applicants who reside farther from the office will be interested in learning about commuter benefits, such as metro or bus allowances. Parents may put jobs that offer hybrid work schedules or weekly work-from-home days in higher regard than jobs that do not. Any benefit listed will put your business ahead of ones that fail to.

The most important benefit to mention is the ability for an applicant to progress and earn a promotion in your business. One of the top reasons employees leave their jobs is a lack of opportunities for advancement. If your organization offers mentorships or training programs to employees, make sure to include that in job listings. Not only does that show a genuine investment in growing your business’s talent, but it also signals to potential employees that they have the ability to have a secure career at your business in the long term if they are willing to work hard.

In an employee’s market, it is essential to do what you can to make your business stand out. Taking the time to be transparent with candidates can eliminate the time they spend wondering whether they would be a good fit or not. When businesses do a thorough job of pitching themselves in their listings, they will be able to focus on getting the best catch of the applicant pool.

Now that you’re prepared to enhance your job postings for top-tier talent, one obstacle remains – irrelevant applicants. Despite your best efforts, there’s always a possibility of receiving applications from individuals who apply indiscriminately to job listings, regardless of whether the roles align with their qualifications.

That’s why it’s so important to get your job ads in front of the right people – at the right place and time, for the right price! With our AI-driven approach and campaign automation, you can spend with precision on sources that deliver.

Joveo’s programmatic solution, MOJO Pro, will revolutionize your recruitment process. With the power of our AI-driven approach and campaign automation, you can spend with precision on sources that deliver. Get your job ads in front of the right people – at the right place and time, for the right price!

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