Candidate Experience

EVP vs. Employer Brand: Understanding the Differences

Heather van Werkhooven
Senior Director, Content & Thought Leadership

A solid recruitment marketing strategy has two well-defined pillars – employer brand and employer value proposition (EVP). Employer brand is an employer’s image in the job market, while your EVP is your company’s appeal to potential candidates. It is the combination of benefits, culture, and opportunities that make your workplace stand out. 

These pillars often come across as overlapping concepts but they are actually a dynamic duo, each with its unique and distinct objective to attract the perfect talent. 

What is an Employer Brand? 

Employer brand is all about the vibes your workplace sends out – the factors that make people stop and take notice of your organization. If a company were a person, its employer brand would be how others see that person – are they friendly, organized, or exciting to be around?

Companies cannot buy a great employer brand; it’s built through genuine efforts in creating a positive and unique workplace culture. It’s all about shaping the company’s reputation that’s defined largely by how stakeholders are treated. From current employees and potential candidates, to clients and prospects. Every touchpoint matters.

A magnetic employer brand needs thought in order to create great experiences for all stakeholders, which results in positive word of mouth in the external world. Your stakeholders have the power to make or break your employer brand.

A strong employer brand has multiple benefits for an organization:

  • It helps in attracting great-fit candidates which in turn creates a strong talent network. 
  • Existing employees stick around for longer because they feel connected and satisfied working with the organization.
  • Hiring is accelerated, as potential candidates want to join a brand they’ve heard good things about.

Fun fact: 72% of recruiting leaders around the world agree that employer branding has a significant impact on hiring. Make it count.

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What is an Employee Value Proposition? 

Unlike employer brand, employee value proposition is what an organization offers its employees in return for their contribution to the organization’s success. It outlines the real deal for an employee – the perks, the promises, the guidance and the culture. When done right, a strong EVP doesn’t just act as an outstanding recruitment tactic, but also encourages better employee retention rates. A Gartner report mentions that organizations that effectively deliver on their EVP can decrease annual employee turnover by just under 70% and increase new hire commitment by nearly 30%.

The important thing is to be honest in what you promise. There can’t be a mismatch between what you promise and what you actually deliver. This will affect your authenticity and reputation. In order to hire the right people for your organization’s growth, be as specific as possible while communicating:

  • Your expectations from the employee
  • What the employee can expect from you
  • Who you are as an organization and your core values

Your EVP has to match what you’re really about, or your credibility takes a hit.

Don’t Neglect the Emotional Connect 

When I say dream company, what brands come to your mind? That’s employer brand. The company is in your dream list because you read or saw or heard something positive about them. Maybe in an article, from a former employee, or in a social media post. 

What does this mean? Well, every touchpoint with your brand impacts an individual. People fall in love with brands and want to be part of their story. They’re also more likely to perform better when hired. They will be more committed and loyal to the company, which drives success. 

If you want to earn a spot in your dream candidate’s dream list, you know what to do.

Towards Building a Great Brand

Achieving the perfect balance is crucial for success in any endeavor. When it comes to building a unique, trusted, and loved brand, focus on your employer brand and EVP. They play distinct yet complementary roles in shaping a company’s identity and attracting top talent. 

While the employer brand reflects the organization’s reputation and visual identity, the EVP highlights what makes it unique as an employer. Together, they form the foundation of a strong employer brand strategy, helping organizations stand out in a competitive market. So, whether you’re crafting your employer brand or refining your EVP, striking the right balance between the two is key to building a brand that resonates with potential candidates and current employees.

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What is an employer brand?

Employer brand is the reputation of an organization as an employer reflecting its culture, values, and employee experience. It includes the perception of all stakeholders, from current employees, to potential candidates, and customers.

What is an employee value proposition?

An employee value proposition (EVP) is the unique set of benefits and rewards that an organization offers to its employees in exchange for their skills, contributions, and commitment. It includes factors such as compensation, benefits, work environment, culture, and opportunities for growth and development.

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