Our Client

Our client, employing more than 105,000 professionals, is one of the top three telecommunications providers in the US. It is known for providing a comprehensive range of services, including voice, data, and video services, as well as innovative solutions on their networks and platforms. These services cater directly to the diverse needs of their customers, fulfilling demands for mobility, reliable network connectivity, and top-tier security.

The Need

Our client wanted to identify inefficiencies in their job board spend. Despite having a substantial budget allocated to job advertising efforts, their overall costs per qualified application were higher than industry benchmarks. They also struggled to determine which job boards were delivering the best results in terms of applications, hires, and return on investment (ROI).

Our client also needed to scale up job advertising seamlessly and quickly during certain periods of peak hiring demand and for hard-to-fill positions. However, this proved to be a challenge, requiring manual adjustments to increase reach and improve candidate targeting.

Finally, tracking quality and cost outcomes in real-time at every stage of the recruiting funnel was hard. In other words, the client lacked a robust system to monitor and analyze the effectiveness of their job advertising efforts, hindering their ability to make data-driven decisions and enhance overall recruitment marketing performance.

The Joveo Solution

Joveo’s AI-powered programmatic job advertising platform, MOJO Pro, provided a comprehensive and innovative approach to address these needs.

Thanks to the power of AI, the platform automatically allocates job ad spend to high-quality and cost-effective sources (job boards, social media, and search engines) that deliver more hireable candidates. At the same time, it prevents wastage on job boards that yield lower quality traffic. The platform also prioritizes spending on jobs that need the most applications and hard-to-fill roles, while preventing runaway spends on easy-to-fill reqs. Furthermore, MOJO Pro optimizes bids and budgets across pay-for-performance job boards to drive efficient resource utilization, while maximizing return on investment (ROI).

MOJO Pro offers dynamic scaling capabilities, adjusting job ad spend based on hiring demand and the difficulty of filling positions. This allows our client to scale up or down as needed, amplifying targeted reach in high-demand regions or for challenging roles.

Finally, the platform provides real-time tracking and optimization, offering insights into performance at every stage of the recruiting funnel – from click to application, shortlist, and hire. This data-driven approach empowers our client to make informed decisions and continuously enhance their hiring outcomes.

Business Impact

  • 2x more qualified applications with store-specific targeting and geolocation expansion
  • 30%+ reduction in cost per application
  • 100% job board media bought and managed via Joveo